Home | Year Groups | Nursery
Home | Year Groups | Nursery
A vibrant nursery where children flourish
West Blatchington Primary & Nursery School is one of only a handful of maintained schools in Hove to offer nursery provision.
Our popular nursery is a vibrant and well resourced provision taught by qualified teachers Mrs Edwards and Miss Barnard and supported by Mrs Jackosn our Qualified Early Years Practitioner.
In Nursery we teach through the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. We believe learning should be fun and involve lots of hands on experiences! We have a large outdoor area with a wonderful sand pit, mud kitchen, water area and much more! Nursery children also have access to the facilities within the main school and thoroughly enjoy trips to the wildlife garden, school field and participating in special assemblies and performances.
Children benefit from high quality teaching which prepares them for their school life and facilitates a seamless transition into Reception. Children can be allocated a place in the Nursery class once they turn three, subject to a place being available.
“We’re extremely happy with our daughter’s progress in nursery. We love hearing her sing the songs she’s learn at school. Most importantly, she’s clearly having fun whilst learning!” Parent
“West Blatchington Nursery is one of the loveliest nurseries I’ve been to. The welcome from the children and staff was warm and friendly and I loved spending time there.” Peter Kyle, MP for Hove
The nursery is open Monday to Friday during term time and offers morning, afternoon and all day sessions. There is a maximum of 26 places per session.
Mornings: 08:50 – 11:50 Afternoons: 12:00 – 15:00 All Day: 08:50 – 15:00
Children attending the all day session, can either bring a packed lunch or parents/carers can pay for a hot school meal. Meals are cooked on site and the school offers meat, vegetarian and halal options. Special menus can be agreed for children who have food allergies or specific dietary needs.
Term dates can be found on: https://westblatchingtonprimary.co.uk/brighton-hove/primary/wblatch/site/pages/forparentscarers/termdates
Session Timings
Free Childcare Provision
All children are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare provision per week (for 38 weeks per year e.g. school term time) from the term after their third birthday.
Some children are entitled to 30 hours of free childcare provision per week. To see if you are eligible, please click here: https://www.gov.uk/apply-30-hours-free-tax-free-childcare. The school also accepts childcare vouchers, for those parents/carers receiving them through their employer.
Parents/carers will need to complete an Early Years Free Entitlement (EYFE) Parental Declaration Form and are responsible for informing the school, if any funded hours are claimed at another childcare provider.
Paid Childcare Provision
If a child is not eligible for 30 hours of free provision, but parents/carers wish for them to attend more than 15 hours, additional sessions can be paid for.
Morning session (08:50 – 11:50): £16.50 Afternoon session (12:00 – 15:00): £16.50 All day (08:50 – 15:00): £33.00
Additional sessions must be booked in advance and on a regular basis, as we are unable to accept ad-hoc bookings. Paid for sessions are invoiced in advance, on a half termly basis. Parents/carers will receive the invoice four weeks prior to the start of the half term and payment will be due by the end of the first week of that half term. Unfortunately, we are unable to refund any sessions that a child does not attend. Please note that parents/carers are required to provide one month’s notice of any change to sessions.
Fees and Funding
Further information and pupil registration forms can be obtained from the school office: 01273 770777 (08:00-15:30 Mon-Fri term time) or admin@wblatch.brighton-hove.sch.uk