West Blatchington Primary & Nursery School

West Blatchington Primary & Nursery School

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Friends of West Blatchington

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Friends of West Blatchington

Friends of West Blatchington

Welcome to FOWB

For those of you who don’t know, Friends of West Blatchington or FoWB are the PTA for our school. Our aim is to run events throughout the year that are not only fun for our children and their families but also raise much needed funds to help enrich the children’s lives.
COVID has definitely brought its challenges to our fundraising attempts over the past year but we still managed to raise just under £2,000. None of that however would have been possible without the help of our parents and carers who donated prizes for our raffle, wrapped hampers, bought tickets or took part in the Easter egg hunt. Thank you all.
Some of this money has already been put to good use. We had a total revamp to our nature garden, which was undertaken by a huge group of people who gave up their own time and completed the works for free. We thought it was only right to buy them all pizza for lunch as a thank you. Bulbs have been purchased and the children will have the opportunity to get involved in school time and at gardening club.
The funds have also enabled the school to purchase extra books to support their outdoor learning and craft materials/break time activities were also supplied.
We’re hopeful that things may be easier from here on and we will be able to host more events over the next year. As always though, these events rely on help from our school community so we would love to see some new faces at our meetings who would be keen to get involved.
Please join our Facebook page (Friends of West Blatchington) where you will find up to date information about when/where our meetings are and what events will be happening. See you there.

Meet the Team

Lisa Hunt Co-Chair

  • Hi, I’m Lisa. My role for FOWB is co chair and also the class rep for Starlings. I have a child in Year 4 and my eldest also went to the school. We’ve loved getting involved in the various activities that FOWB have organised over the years and I’m really looking forward to working with our brilliant team to organise more exciting events in the future.

Marie Collins: Co-Chair

  • Hi, I’m Marie, Co chair for FoWB and I have children in Year 1 and Reception (I am also class rep) and 2 years time my youngest child will complete my three at West Blatch!  Life is an absolute whirlwind with the madness which is 3 young boys! I’m also the one who loves anything themed – especially Christmas! If I’m not wearing a Christmas jumper I’m in the swimming pool or chasing after one of my boys who all love outdoor walks and climbing trees, we can’t wait for forest school! 

Eva Kenyeres : Treasurer

  • Hi, I am Éva. My son is in Year 1. I am an accountant, live in Hangleton and often visit local playgrounds with my sons.  My passion is to get involved with local communities and help wherever I can.

Serafine O’Brien: Co-Secretary

  • My name is Serafine and I have a child in Year 4, who along with their older sibling started West Blatch in 2015. We spent 2 years in New Zealand (where my youngest was born) and love that the children have been welcomed here with open arms and are part of such a diverse and caring community.  I’m looking forward to helping to raise awareness of all the vital fundraising FOWB does. It’s a way of saying thank you!

Kirsty Baker: Co-Secretary

Hello! I’m Kirsty and have a child in Year 6.  I bring a skill set which I feel can support the school and West Blatch community to further enrich our children’s school experiences, especially at a time when fundraising and thinking outside the box is required!

Upcoming Events

Christmas Fayre- 7th December 2023

How to Get Involved

If you would like to get involved with FOWB, whether that’s attending meetings, helping at events or contributing to ideas, please email: fowb@wblatch.brighton-hove.sch.uk