Home | Year Groups | Reception
Home | Year Groups | Reception
Welcome to Wrens Class!
Wrens Class is taught by Mrs Uzor and supported by Mrs Brandson
In Reception, we teach through the EYFS curriculum which includes a mixture of carpet sessions, adult focus groups and independent activities. Our phonics is taught through Read Write Inc (more info here) and we also have daily carpet sessions on English and Maths. Each half term, we have a new topic which we use to excite and inspire our children with fantastic activities in both our indoor and outdoor areas. We believe children learn best through play where they can practically applying new skills and
knowledge. This includes opportunities for cooking, dressing up, holding animals and much more.
These activities are carefully planned to ensure progression of skills and knowledge. Adults join in with play regularly, taking the opportunity to model skills and vocabulary within play scenarios. This includes support staff who closely work alongside class teachers, observing children, leading focus groups and leading intervention groups.
The Early Years class benefits from being able to access the wider school’s facilities such as using iPads, cooking in the Technology Room and enjoying further outdoor learning within our Wildlife Garden.